Home (2015)
An insight into the world of friendly juvenile sci-fi, Home takes its audience on an animated adventure with extra terrestrial Oh (Jim Parsons, The Big Bang Theory), and old enough to drive yet seemingly under ten, cat owner Tip (Rihanna, yes, as in the singer)…
Blackwood (2014)
A ghost story like no other. In an attempt to leave their sworded past behind, Blackwood follows a dysfunctional family’s move to rural Surrey as they start their new life in an eerily sized manor house…
Concerning Violence (2014)
Thrown in at the deep end, powerful poetic narration meets subtitles at the beginning of this film which is (rightly) sinister…
Very Good Girls (2014)
A disclaimer to start: My first (likely only) interaction with Very Good Girls was on a lazy Friday with a collection of my nearest and dearest. Because of this and their apt commentary, they are referenced…