October 27


Mood music

Breaking up with people is incredibly hard and I’ve noticed the music I’ve been tuning into recently takes a side step away from my normal high tempo progressive dance beats toward slow melancholy. Red Eye Radio provides a selection of the very best with a heavy heart:

Rone - Human 

A departure from their experimental energy beats, this feels more like an album intro. Tips a hat to Damon Albarn and reminds me of those power strings in The Verve’s Bitter Sweet Symphony. Slow growth, goes nowhere, I like.


Destroyer - Tinseltown Swimming in Blood

Swooning vocals throw me right back to The Cure.


Washed Out -
Face Up

That m’fucking funky heavy weighty slow grow bass. Yas. Lyrics.


Men I Trust -

More uptempo, funky with a slap in the bass department. Slow and steady, trundles along perfectly in-sync with mind wandering.


How to be happy


Inner child PT1